Name: #9
Brewer: Magic Hat Brewing Company - Burlington, VT
Style: Pale Ale
Alcohol Content: 4.7%
Review: I have a lot of questions. Would someone like to explain to me those
"G" commercials? You know, the ones that are filmed in black and white. The camera pans from left to right as busts of sometimes-famous celebrities float across the screen, all the while some wannabe thug tries to explain what "G" means by using a bunch of inane cliches and non sequiturs. Someone told me they're advertising Gatorade. Seriously? Similarly, I'd also like to complain about this commercial I saw while watching Top Chef. This Hearts on fire commercial showed a man and woman obviously wanting to rip each others clothes off (looked more like a praying mantis about to eat her mate). You can see a huge unaffordable rock on the chick's finger as the narrator tells me to "Love intensely", "Live intensely". I'm all about monogamy and and love and stuff, but I don't know how to "live intensely". Can I relax intensely? no. How does one sleep intensely? God knows. The only thing I can promise you is that I will be farting intensely tomorrow. I have a lunch date with the Pizza Hut all you can eat buffet and happy hour at BW3.
Ok, before I lose you, let me now make my point. I have questions about the Magic Hat #9 as well. Magic Hat tries to carry a mystique by failing to reveal some secret ingredient that makes this beer pungently sweet. What is this secret ingredient? Why do they have to try and clevery hide some probably carcinogous agent? I know a lot of fans of this beer, but I just have to say that I've missed the boat on it. I just don't like Magic Hat #9. According to their website the beer contains English Ale Yeast. This might be the start of why I have problems with this beer. From first pour, it has the makings of being a thin, light amber-colored pale ale. That's interesting in itself. There's not much of aroma beyond some questionable sweetness (most likely attributed to the secret ingredient and maybe some apricot). Upon finishing my first sip I think "hmm, this isn't that bad". It does have some elements of it's flavor that make it unique to all other pale ales, but after sip 4 or 5 I'm done with it. The secret sweet ingredient begins to make my cheeks pucker. Is it pungent? Is it spicy? I can't say. I just don't care for it. So, Magic Hat, like those "G" commercials, please just come out and tell use what you're aiming for with this beer. Are you a pale ale? Are you an amber ale? Are you really a sour wine cooler? And like those hearts on fire commercial, don't confuse me with impossible expectations. Just as how I can't live intensely, I can't embrace the intense sweetness of your beer without some balance. Some hops at the finish perhaps? Maybe a toasty chocloate malt somewhere to keep this beer interesting. I hear you have a lot of other delicious beers at your brewery, so I'll be patient and give you another chance before you make it to my do-not-drink-list.
Rating: 2/5
Recommend? Maybe (only because I already know a number of people who enjoy it)