
Beer Drinkers,

Please check out the new links on the right-hand toolbar. There, you will find the most amazing beers that I have experienced. These are beers that I suggest you get your shaky hands around before you die (i.e. asap). Please send me your comments so that I may post them on the site. Thank you.


Jan 11, 2009

Day 11: St Peter's Winter Ale

Name: St. Peter's Winter Ale

Brewer: St. Peter's Brewery

Style: Specialty Ale

Alcohol Content: 6.3%

Review: Pours smooth with about 1/2 finger of head. The aroma is soft, flat, and toasty, like punchy stout or soft ale. Has a hoppy bite, but the toasty malt notes overtake the hoppiness of the ale. Toasted malts fade into a semi-dry finish that leave a bitter hoppy aftertaste. It's not particularly special, but also not bad. I don't think I've ever really latched on to English Ales, this one being no different. Others might find this one to be pretty good.

Recommend? Maybe/Yes

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