Name: Derniere Volonte
Brewer: Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel
Style: Abbey-style blonde ale
Alcohol Content: 6.5%
Review: anyone speak French? Gui, would you like to translate this website for me? Babelfish gives me some nonsense. I'll tell you what I think. First off, it's highly carbonated... probably due to some bottle fermentation along it's long voyage from Europe. Once the carbonation settles, you can catch a glimpse of the fruity, citrusy, banana-ee aroma. Imagine a sweet Hefeweizen minus the wheat. The mouth feel and flavor carries that same analogy - hefeweizen flavor, medium body, just minus the cloudiness and graininess that the wheat brings to a hefeweizen. It has a good pale ale mouth feel, with the low hoppiness of a blonde ale. The finish is also clean enough to not cloy my tongue and make me want more. In my honest opinion, the Derniere is the sexy love child born to a Belgian Ale and a light hefeweizen. Perfect for summertime. Considering all the snow we've had recently, summer won't come soon enough. When it does, I'm going for a sweaty bike ride and tossing back a couple of these babies.
Oh, and yeah, trust me, I'll be updating this site soon with the dozen or so beers I have in my backlog that I have already consumed. It's been a busy few weeks.
Rating: 4.25/5
Recommend? YES
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