Brewer: Oskar Blues
Style: Pale Ale
Alcohol Content: 6.5%
Review: So, I was chilling at the bar at Falling Rock. Being alone in Denver was becoming lame, and some chick was sitting next to me for about 10 minutes. Being a douchebag, I minded my own business for a while and stared at the wall. Eventually I started chatting her up, and learned that she was from Cleveland Ohio. Small world. We made small talk, the usual Ohio stuff: Cedar Point, Ohio State Football, and then awkward silence. During the awkward silence I ordered the Dales Pale Ale. The Dales is a decent pale ale. Red color, medium carbonation, and not much of an aroma that I could detect. I was feeling kind of stuffy though. I'm starting to think I might be developing the allergy to alcohol that my dad has. Lucky me. The feel of this beer was thin with a bitter taste, even though the flavor wasn't that hoppy. It was more of a bitter cherry flavor. The flavor eventually dissipates and leaves a very IPA-ish bitter finish. So-so
Rating: 2.5/5
Recommend? Naw, there are other good Pale Ales
nonsense. It's funny how different tastes and opinions go. I can't figure out why people like Fat Tire so much, but I love Dales as a go to pale ale. Not too strong, but is always tasty. Fat tire, which you liked, tastes like watered down nothingness to me. So pretty much you can flip the beer in your last two reviews for my opinion.
NBR respects it's readers opinions and acknowledges that there may be differing opinions. NBR highly regards your opinions and - in fact - would like to recieve more opinions. And for good measure I'll say opinion one more time. Opinion. Barf
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