Brewer: Left Hand Brewing Company
Style: ESB
Alcohol Content: 4.5%
Review: Bitter beers suck. I've at least not had any good ones. I don't remember when or where on my Colorado voyage I tried this beer. I think it was on to the Boulder portion of the trip. At this point I gave my conference presentation. It was uneventful. I was given a generous 7 minutes to explain my research. Essentially a 7 minute elevator pitch of what I've been working on for the past year and a half. Most of my results concerned mechanical recovery, which the first keynote speaker chose to call into question. I'm already boring you... ok, on with the review. I did not care for the sawtooth ale. There was a soft earthy hoppy aroma to this beer. It went down very smoothly and had an english flavor. the E in ESB stands for English, so they nailed that. I would not say that this was what I would consider a bitter beer. In fact, I had no idea it was an ESB until I checked their website. Regardless of type, this beer had no hop development or malt flavor. Kind of tasteless. There's no "tasteless" category in the Brewers Association definition book, so, sorry Sawtooth Ale, you get a bad rating.
Rating: 1/5
Recommend? NO
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