Brewer: Leinenkugel's - Chippewa Falls Wisconsin
Style: Weiss
Alcohol Content: 4.7%
Review: What the hell do you want to know, it's a damn berry weiss beer. I might as well chop my junk off. If I waste my time giving you a proper review of this beer then I've done you a disservice, and I don't want to disservice my longtime readers (it's been a long month, hasn't it?). This beer is exactly what you'd expect: light, carbonated, tangy, refreshing, and berry berry fruity... and great for masking roofies. Chicks will love this beer, especially the type that are susceptible to being drugged (the underaged beer neophytes). I shared this beer with a couple girls tonight and asked them for their opinions. They squealed, and cooed, and squinted their eyes while rapidly clapping their hands. You know, annoying girl stuff. They loved the beer. For a fruity wheat beer, I'll admit I enjoyed it, and could probably pound a few of them, but the beer certainly has it's place. It's along the lines of Lindeman's lambic beers, but I don't want to offend Lindeman's because the Leinenkugel's don't have as much depth. So, if you're a creepy old grad student who still goes to undergrad parties, then bring a 6-pack of these leinie's and the chicks will forget that neither they, nor you, were born in the '80s. Good luck, and see you in jail.
Rating: 1.5/5
Recommend? Yes, if you 1. want a crisp fruity beer, 2. are a girl, or 3. can get them for free. No, in all other situations.
You forgot to include how you decided on this. Was it "oh I like Leinenkugles I should see if they have something fruity and terrible" or did you just rent the notebook and picked up a pint of ben and jerrys and just wanted something tasty to wash down your cosmos. I dont know Im not judging, just curious how you make selections.
If you want to try something with fruit go for New Glarus Belgian Red. Of course you have to go to Wisconsin for that.
Try something from Port or Lost Abby soon. Youll like it.
I do not dislike the Leinenkugel's. I enjoy them in the right setting (as a replacement to bud and miller). A couple of my labmates were professing their love for leinenkugel as well, so it certainly has a following. That makes 3 people I respect that enjoy their beers. I purchased the berry weiss when I bought the Bock. I had just worked out last night and the berry weiss actually appealed to me more than the heavier Belgian ale that I was considering drinking as well. Proceed to chastize me.
And I'm dying to drink some Lost Abbey beers. I just can't find them here on the east coast. as for port... still looking as well.
I like the part where Allison and I excitedly clapped our hands, squealed and cooed. DEFINITELY what I do on a regular basis ;P
Yeah, sometimes I have to exaggerate to sound interesting. I took your comment "I like this beer" and imagined my own interpretation. You love it.
As a longtime reader of your blog, I would have to say this has been my favorite review. What more can you say about a berry weiss? As big of a fan of Leinies as I am, I could have told you that the berry weiss should be avoided unless you fall into one of your three categories. Don't let this one spoil the name of Leinenkugel!
As for fruity beers, I'd avoid at all costs unless they are blueberry ales from Boston Beerworks or Bar Harbor! Then again, I'm a New Englander!
This review sparked a big discussion with my labmates. They - all male - are big fans of the berry weiss, and Leinenkugels in general. I'm glad you agree with my terse beer review. While I realize my review may be polarizing, it also causes some confusion, mainly with my conflicting rating and recommendation system. I rated this beer low because it's not a beer that I would consider an amazing example of beer brewing skill, though it's still tasty. Like a bud light or a miller, while it might not win any awards you'll still see me tossing back a few here and there. That's why i still think there are times when it's good to drink and worth recommending (yeah, those three categories). Beers that get low ratings are just worth avoiding altogether.
Anyway, I think I'm getting off track. Thanks for the comments, Tio. I don't dislike the Leinies, and I still have more to try. I'll also keep my eyes peeled for Boston Beerworks and Bar Harbor ales.
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