
Beer Drinkers,

Please check out the new links on the right-hand toolbar. There, you will find the most amazing beers that I have experienced. These are beers that I suggest you get your shaky hands around before you die (i.e. asap). Please send me your comments so that I may post them on the site. Thank you.


Jan 31, 2009

Day 31: Blue Point Toasted Lager

Name: Toasted Lager

Brewer: Blue Point Brewery - Long Island, NY

Style: Lager

Alcohol Content: 5.3%

Review: Hmm, another lager I find decent. I found it at a Billiard hall on the Upper East Side near 96th and Lexington. Thanks goes out to Deb's friend for recommending this one. I'm still not convinced about lagers in general - too much malt too little hops. I find that you have to do SOMETHING to a lager to make it noteworthy. In this case, Blue Point flame kisses their brew with a direct flame or something like that. It imparts a toasty flavor that is reminiscent of a porter. While drinking it, I was convinced that there were was an addition of chocolate malts. I later learned of the flame kissing. This beer kind of reminds me of clear Pepsi. Remember that stuff? It looked like 7-up but tasted like Pepsi. Kind of a soda mindfuck. The toasted lager is similar in that way; it has the color and texture of a lager, but those toasty malts make you think 'porter'. Novel. Decent. Nothing noteworthy beyond that.

Rating: 3.5/5

Recommend? YES. Another curious lager worth sampling once.

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