
Beer Drinkers,

Please check out the new links on the right-hand toolbar. There, you will find the most amazing beers that I have experienced. These are beers that I suggest you get your shaky hands around before you die (i.e. asap). Please send me your comments so that I may post them on the site. Thank you.


Feb 23, 2009

Day 54: Spring Moon

Name: Spring Moon

Brewer: Blue Moon - Golden, CO

Style: Ale

Alcohol Content:

Review: So, I'm going to go out of order by reviewing this beer right now. Let this be a little foreshadowing for some upcoming reviews. I sampled the spring moon at the Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado during my GCMAS conference trip. I think I was a couple weeks behind in my beer drinking before leaving for Colorado, and now that the trip is coming to a close, I think I'm a week ahead. You can do the math. Anyway, Spring moon is nothing special beyond the typical blue moon offerings. It's a very mild belgian-style wheat ale that will most likely please the masses, but impress very few. The aroma was very weak, and the flavor, while citrusy and slightly yeasty, just feels too watered down. I will say though, that after sampling some of Coors' beers on site, they do a very good job at ensuring quality. Their beers, whether tasted at a brewery or out of a bottle, taste identical. This kind of makes for a letdown though. I like visiting a brewery just so i can try something completely unique, or just a normal beer right out of the kettle. I think microbrews struggle with quality and consistency, so sometimes you try a beer out of the bottle and think "why the hell do they even bother to sell this stuff", and then you visit the brewery, try it fresh, and completely shift your paradigm. For this reason, I try to cut microbreweries some slack when the beer doesn't taste as amazing as I would expect. However, since Coors has really nailed the consistency of their brewing, I'm even less impressed with their offerings. Spring Moon will make a decent beer to drink if you come across it, but otherwise it's simply an average fish in a big pond.

Rating: 2.5/5

Recommend? MAYBE. If you're only a casual beer drinker, you'll probably really enjoy it. For the belgian whit faithful, don't waste your money.

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