
Beer Drinkers,

Please check out the new links on the right-hand toolbar. There, you will find the most amazing beers that I have experienced. These are beers that I suggest you get your shaky hands around before you die (i.e. asap). Please send me your comments so that I may post them on the site. Thank you.


Feb 26, 2009

Day 56: Dunkel Lager

Name: Dunkel Lager

Brewer: Sly Fox Brewery - Phoenixville, PA

Style: Lager

Alcohol Content: 5.3%

Review: I bought hockey tickets for the woman for Valentine's day only to lose them hours after they arrived to my door. Being a bit stubborn and very frustrated, I purchased two more tickets. We met up with a good friend in Philly to grab a few beers before the game. This proved to be a good decision. The first beer from our visit was the Dunkel Lager. A simple brown lager with some fruit and caramel notes in the aroma. A medium mouthfeel along with some good rich flavors and chocolatey malts. It's still not large in body. The finish is malty but also dry enough. A respectable lager.

P.S. When we got back home from Philly I found the original tickets under some papers on my desk. FAIL!

Rating: 3.5/5

Recommend? YES. Put your Yuengling down and pick up a dunkel.

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