
Beer Drinkers,

Please check out the new links on the right-hand toolbar. There, you will find the most amazing beers that I have experienced. These are beers that I suggest you get your shaky hands around before you die (i.e. asap). Please send me your comments so that I may post them on the site. Thank you.


Mar 2, 2009

Day 61: 90 Shilling Ale

Name: 90 Shilling Ale

Brewer: Odell's Brewing Co - Fort Collins, CO

Style: Ale

Alcohol Content: 5.3%

Review: Tuesday brought snow in Denver, so I used that as another excuse to go out and drink after the conference. I was also feeling kind of bummed because the keynote speaker of the conference was voicing his opinions on a topic which basically called into question the methods used in my own study. More on that another time. More importantly, I did some more dining in downtown Denver and tried the 90 Shilling Ale - Odell's flagship beer. Overall, I was pleased, but not extremely impressed. Of course, had I gone to Colorado State instead of Delaware for grad school I could be drinking Odell's every week instead of our merely-average Iron Hill beer. The 90 shilling is an amber colored beer with a good hop/malt aroma. Overall it maintains a good balance between maltiness and hopiness with a few citrus and butterscotch notes thrown in. Again, like the Odell IPA, this beer is a bit low on the hop count. That seems to be Odell's style, and I imagine it makes for a good general appeal. I usually like a lot of hops, but i can live odell's version of ale. The finish of this beer is a bit on the sweet side, and some more hopping might help curb that. Still, this is a solid selection.

Rating: 3.5/5

Recommend? YES. Very drinkable.

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